Our Team

Michael Weamer
President & CEO
Michael has been President and CEO of The Marfan Foundation since 2015. His initial involvement dates back to 1999 and subsequently he served as both a member of the Board of Directors and as an advisor.
Prior to joining the Foundation, Michael served in leadership roles for the American Heart Association for over two decades. Previously, he was President of the National Society to Prevent Blindness and Affiliate Executive Director of the National Easter Seal Society. Michael also served on the Board of Directors of the Association of Black Cardiologists and was Chairman of Health Power, a national nonprofit organization committed to racial and ethnic minority groups’ health.
Michael is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University. He and his wife, Karen, have four children: Mollie, Caitlin, Sean, and Daniel, and seven grandchildren: Max, Lukas, Philip, twins Charlie and Michael, Jack and Natalie.
Our Staff
Board of Directors

Immediate Past Chair
Cory A. Eaves
Caryn E. Kauffman, CPA
Patricia McCabe
Scott D. Avitabile, esq.
Gil Bashe
Alan C. Braverman, M.D.
Juan Bowen, M.D.
Ray Chevallier
Brandy Banks Hotchkiss
Gary Kauffman
Jerry L. Lerman
Jeffrey C. LeSage
Sinclair Li
James “Jim” Prutow
Joaquin Ramos, Jr.
Dawn Reiner
Andrew Toy
Jon R. Tullis, CFRE, CGT
David R. Warren
Anthony “Tony” J. Yasick, M.D.
Duke Cameron, MD
Jess Milburn
Bryan Maher
Board Advisors
Maya Brown-Zimmerman
Karen Murray
Alix McLean Jennings
Marcella Nunez-Smith, MD, MHS
Advisory Board

Duke Cameron, MD (Chair)
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Adam David Bitterman, DO
Zucker School of Medicine
at Hofstra / Northwell
Juan Bowen, MD
Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Alan C. Braverman, MD
Washington University
School of Medicine
Peter H. Byers, MD
University of Washington
School of Medicine
Heidi M. Connolly, MD, FACC
Mayo Clinic
Joseph S. Coselli, MD
Baylor College of Medicine and St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
Richard B. Devereux, MD
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Weill Cornell Medical Center
Hal Dietz, MD
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Sylvia A. Frazier-Bowers, DDS, PhD
Indiana University
School of Dentistry
Melissa Flint, PsyD, FT, CCTP
Midwestern University
Leonard N. Girardi, MD
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Weill Cornell Medical Center
Rachel W. Kuchtey, MD, PhD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Ronald V. Lacro, MD
Boston Children’s Hospital
David Liang, MD, PhD
Stanford University
School of Medicine
Mark Lindsay, MD, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Bart Loeys, MD, PhD
University of Antwerp
Gretchen MacCarrick, MS, CGC
Johns Hopkins Hospital
S. Chris Malaisrie, MD
Northwestern Medicine
Irene H. Maumenee, MD
New York-Presbyterian Hospital Columbia University Medical Center
Dianna Milewicz, MD, PhD
University of Texas Medical School at Houston
D. Craig Miller, MD
Stanford University
School of Medicine
Shaine Morris, MD
Texas Children’s Hospital
Enid R. Neptune, MD
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Reed E. Pyeritz, MD, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
Perelman School of Medicine
Mary J. Roman, MD
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Weill Cornell Medical Center
Melissa Russo, MD
Brown University
Lynn Y. Sakai, PhD
Shriners Hospital and
Oregon Health & Science University
Sherene Shalhub, MD, MPH
Oregon Health & Science University
Paul D. Sponseller, MD
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Luciana Young, MD
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Maya Brown-Zimmerman, MPH
PAB Advisor
Scientific Advisory Board

Craig T. Basson, MD, PhD (Chair)
Bitterroot Bio
Suneel Apte, MBBS, DPhil
Cleveland Clinic
Peter H. Byers, MD
University of Washington
David W. Dempster, PhD
Columbia University
Scott A. LeMaire, MD
Daniel Rifkin, PhD
Jil C. Tardiff, MD, PhD
University of Arizona
Jonathan W. Weinsaft, MD
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Weill Cornell Medical Center
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