Dr. Venkat Polsani, Chief of Cardiovascular Imaging at Piedmont Heart Institute in Atlanta, provides an overview of the various types of aortic imaging most commonly used in people with Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, VEDS, and other genetic aortic and vascular condition and addresses questions from our community. Webinar recorded April 4, 2021.
De nombreuses personnes atteintes du syndrome de Marfan et de certaines maladies apparentées possèdent une mâchoire étroite et un palais très arqué, ce qui peut entraîner des problèmes dentaires et orthodontiques. En outre, les personnes avec un prolapsus de la valve mitrale ou porteuses de valves cardiaques artificielles sont à risque d’endocardite (infection du coeur […]
Le persone affette da sindrome di Marfan spesso hanno problemi al cuore e ai vasi sanguigni, a volte anche molto gravi. La complicazione più comune riguarda l’aorta (il vaso sanguigno che porta il sangue dal cuore al resto dell’organismo). Possono essere interessate anche le valvole cardiache. Più raramente sono colpiti vasi sanguigni diversi dall’aorta. È […]
MASS Phenotype is a connective tissue disorder that is similar to Marfan syndrome in that people with the condition have the similar Mitral valve, Aorta, Skin, and Skeletal features. People with MASS phenotype do not have lens dislocation, but rather myopia (nearsightedness), and do not show progressive and dangerous aortic root enlargement, hallmark features of Marfan syndrome. What other […]
Join us in the fight for victory over Marfan syndrome and related conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.