Dr. Venkat Polsani, Chief of Cardiovascular Imaging at Piedmont Heart Institute in Atlanta, provides an overview of the various types of aortic imaging most commonly used in people with Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, VEDS, and other genetic aortic and vascular condition and addresses questions from our community. Webinar recorded April 4, 2021.
Le syndrome de Marfan est une maladie génétique potentiellement mortelle qui touche le tissu conjonctif du corps. Reconnaître les signes du syndrome de Marfan, parvenir au diagnostic juste et recevoir le traitement nécessaire peuvent permettre aux personnes atteintes de vivre une existence longue et épanouie.
La sindrome di Marfan e alcune malattie correlate possono interessare gli occhi in svariati modi, ad esempio causando lo spostamento del cristallino e altri problemi oculari in grado di compromettere la vista. Fatta eccezione per lo spostamento del cristallino, questi problemi oculari possono verificarsi anche nella popolazione generale e questo è il motivo per cui […]
Many people with Marfan syndrome and some related disorders experience pulmonary complications, or problems with their lungs. If you have Marfan syndrome, it is important for you to see a pulmonologist (lung doctor) if you suspect that you have any problems with your lungs. What are the common types of lung problems in people with […]
Join us in the fight for victory over Marfan syndrome and related conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.