Muchas personas con el síndrome de Marfan y algunos trastornos relacionados sufren complicaciones pulmonares o problemas con los pulmones. Si usted tiene el síndrome de Marfan, es importante que consulte a un experto en pulmones (médico de los pulmones) si sospecha que tiene cualquier problema con los pulmones.
Related Resources
Lungs in Marfan Syndrome
Many people with Marfan syndrome and some related disorders experience pulmonary complications, or problems with their lungs. If you have Marfan syndrome, it is important for you to see a pulmonologist (lung doctor) if you suspect that you have any problems with your lungs. What are the common types of lung problems in people with […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
MASS Phenotype
MASS Phenotype is a connective tissue disorder that is similar to Marfan syndrome in that people with the condition have the similar Mitral valve, Aorta, Skin, and Skeletal features. People with MASS phenotype do not have lens dislocation, but rather myopia (nearsightedness), and do not show progressive and dangerous aortic root enlargement, hallmark features of Marfan syndrome. What other […]
Planification Familiale Et Grossesse
Les décisions relatives à la planification familiale peuvent être difficiles et susciter beaucoup d’émotions lorsque l’un des parents potentiels est atteint d’une maladie génétique, comme le syndrome de Marfan. Avant toute décision, les parents doivent connaître les nombreuses options actuellement disponibles ainsi que les risques encourus par l’enfant et la mère. Un conseiller en génétique […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
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