Muchas personas con el síndrome de Marfan y algunos trastornos relacionados sufren complicaciones pulmonares o problemas con los pulmones. Si usted tiene el síndrome de Marfan, es importante que consulte a un experto en pulmones (médico de los pulmones) si sospecha que tiene cualquier problema con los pulmones.
Related Resources
Innovators Award
This is for faculty investigators for $100,000 over 2 years ($50,000 per year), to explore an innovative concept in “translational” science that has applicability to improving human health. Examples could include fundamental research, diagnostic tests, biomarkers, biomedical engineering advances, and imaging advances. Collection of data for improved evidence-based medical guidance are of great interest. Deadlines: […]
Tags: All , Healthcare Professionals, Researchers
Recommended Criteria for Development of a Marfan Clinic
The diagnosis, evaluation, and management of Marfan syndrome and related conditions require health practitioners from multiple disciplines with specialized knowledge, skills, and experience in heritable disorders of connective tissue. Patients and families are best served in clinics with demonstrated interest and expertise in this field.
Tags: All , Healthcare Professionals
Gli Occhi Nella Sindrome Di Marfan
La sindrome di Marfan e alcune malattie correlate possono interessare gli occhi in svariati modi, ad esempio causando lo spostamento del cristallino e altri problemi oculari in grado di compromettere la vista. Fatta eccezione per lo spostamento del cristallino, questi problemi oculari possono verificarsi anche nella popolazione generale e questo è il motivo per cui […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
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