Understanding your genetic test results for conditions like Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, or VEDS can be challenging. Here’s a simple Q&A to help make sense of what your results may mean and what you might consider doing next.
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Family Planning and Pregnancy
Decisions about family planning can be difficult and very emotional when one of the prospective parents has a genetic disorder, such as Marfan syndrome. Before making any decisions, parents should understand the many options now available, as well as the potential risks to the child and the mother. A genetic counselor or the nurse in […]
Recommended Criteria for Development of a Marfan Clinic
The diagnosis, evaluation, and management of Marfan syndrome and related conditions require health practitioners from multiple disciplines with specialized knowledge, skills, and experience in heritable disorders of connective tissue. Patients and families are best served in clinics with demonstrated interest and expertise in this field.
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