Related Resources
Everest Grant
This is a large, multi-institutional, transformational grant designed to “reach the summit” on a critical path to a breakthrough in basic or translational science that has direct relevance to human health. It must include an institutionally funded graduate student or fellow. Engagement of multi-disciplinary investigators or pharma is highly desirable. Single grant of $200,000 per […]
Tags: All , Healthcare Professionals, Researchers
Endocarditis Prophylaxis for People with Marfan Syndrome
Endocarditis Prophylaxis for People with Marfan Syndrome In April 2007, the American Heart Association (AHA) revised its guidelines for antibiotic treatment at the time of dental procedures and other medical situations in which there is a high likelihood of bacteria entering the bloodstream. In general, the AHA guidelines are the “gold standard” in the United […]
Kit Di Preparazione Alle Emergenze
Questo kit è il tuo strumento per aiutarti a essere preparato in caso di emergenza. Ti consigliamo di inserire il pacchetto completato in una busta o in una cartella dai colori vivaci in modo che sia facile da trovare. A casa, tienilo vicino alla porta in modo che sia utile per i servizi medici di emergenza (EMS) e magari attaccalo al muro al lavoro. Fornisci anche una copia di questo pacchetto alla tua procura e procura sanitaria.
Know the signs.
Fight for victory.
Join us in the fight for victory over Marfan syndrome and related conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.