A medida que las necesidades de salud de las escuelas han cambiado desde 1902, el papel de la enfermería escolar ha evolucionado para satisfacer esas necesidades cambiantes. La enfermera escolar desempeña un papel de liderazgo importante en la prevención de enfermedades o lesiones, la identificación de problemas médicos a través de programas de detección y […]
Overview of Cardiac Management in Marfan Syndrome Aortic dissection is the major cause of premature morbidity and mortality in Marfan syndrome. Aortic root aneurysm or dissection and ectopia lentis are cardinal features of Marfan syndrome based on the 2010 Gent nosology. For the full diagnostic criteria, please visit MarfanDX.org. Cardiac features that may be seen […]
We created a template referral letter for you to use to simplify the process when you are referring a patient to a specialist for further evaluation or testing for the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome or a related disorder. The letter makes it easy for you to note the features you observed that raise your suspicion of these disorders.
People with Marfan syndrome are at up to 250 times greater risk of aortic dissection (a tear or rupture between layers of the aortic wall) than the general population. That’s why it’s important to know the signs of an aortic dissection and what to do. Symptoms of aortic aneurysm may be related to the location, […]
Join us in the fight for victory over genetic aortic and vascular conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.