Related Resources
Walk for Victory Registration Guide
Register for your Walk for Victory by following the simple steps in our registration guide. Whether you join as an individual or create a team, we look forward to seeing you soon!
Tags: All , Patients & Families
Diagnostic Du Syndrome De Marfan
Le syndrome de Marfan est une maladie grave dont certaines complications peuvent être mortelles. Les progrès réalisés dans les soins médicaux permettent désormais aux personnes atteintes du syndrome de Marfan d’avoir une espérance de vie normale si elles reçoivent un diagnostic et un traitement adapté.
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
ACMG Directories
The American College of Medical Genetics has a medical genetics database you can use to find a knowledgeable geneticist in your area. Helpful search terms include: connective tissue, bone/skeletal disorders, cardiovascular/connective tissue, adult congenital heart disease, adult medical genetics, pediatric genetics, and genetics counseling.
Know the signs.
Fight for victory.
Join us in the fight for victory over Marfan syndrome and related conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.