Neonatal Marfan syndrome (also called infantile Marfan syndrome) is a term used to designate a severe presentation of Marfan syndrome that is evident in early infancy and shows rapid progression during childhood.
Importantly, there are no specific criteria for use of this term. As a result, it is difficult to make broad generalizations about the diagnosis, management, or prognosis of neonatal Marfan syndrome. Download the fact sheet to learn more.
La sindrome di Marfan è una malattia genetica potenzialmente letale che causa alterazioni del tessuto connettivo dell’organismo. Conoscere i segni della sindrome di Marfan, avere una diagnosi corretta e ricevere il trattamento necessario può permettere a chi soffre di questa sindrome di condurre una vita lunga e soddisfacente.
Les personnes atteintes du syndrome de Marfan et de certaines maladies apparentées sont nombreuses à présenter des complications pulmonaires ou des problèmes au niveau de leurs poumons. Si vous souffrez du syndrome de Marfan, il est important que vous consultiez un pneumologue (un médecin spécialiste des poumons) si vous soupçonnez un problème pulmonaire, quel qu’il […]
Understanding your genetic test results for conditions like Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, or VEDS can be challenging. Here’s a simple Q&A to help make sense of what your results may mean and what you might consider doing next.
Join us in the fight for victory over Marfan syndrome and related conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.