Related Resources
Stickler Syndrome
Stickler syndrome is a group of genetic disorders that affects connective tissue, specifically collagen. The condition is characterized by facial abnormalities, ocular problems, hearing loss, and joint problems. What are the features of Stickler syndrome? How prevalent is Stickler syndrome? What other names do people use for Stickler syndrome? How is Stickler syndrome diagnosed? Find […]
Die Augen Beim Marfan-Syndrom
Das Marfan-Syndrom und andere verwandte Erkrankungen können verschiedene Veränderungen im Bereich des Auges hervorrufen, wie z. B. verlagerte Linsen und andere Augenprobleme, die die Sicht beeinträchtigen können. Mit Ausnahme von verlagerten Linsen können diese Augenprobleme auch in der Allgemeinbevölkerung auftreten, weshalb Ärzte nicht immer erkennen, dass diese Veränderungen durch Marfan-Syndrom verursacht wurden. Es ist wichtig […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
Physical Activity Guidelines
Regular exercise improves both physical and emotional well-being and can be incorporated safely into the routine of people with Marfan syndrome. Therefore, they are encouraged to adapt health measures that protect them from Marfan features that can worsen and from medical conditions that are simply part of the aging process. With an early diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle adaptations, many […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Caregivers, Patients & Families
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