Des vergetures (striae atrophicae) peuvent apparaître sur la peau de quiconque, en particulier à la suite d’une croissance rapide pendant l’adolescence, d’une grossesse ou d’une perte ou prise de poids importante. Les personnes atteintes du syndrome de Marfan sont sujettes à la formation de vergetures, souvent à un âge précoce et sans changement de poids. Des marques ont tendance à apparaître dans les parties du corps soumises à des contraintes, notamment les épaules, les hanches et le bas du dos.
Related Resources
La Pelle Nella Sindrome di Marfan
Le smagliature della pelle (striae distensae) possono manifestarsi in qualsiasi persona, in particolare a seguito di una crescita rapida durante l’adolescenza, durante la gravidanza o in caso di un importante aumento o calo di peso. Chi soffre di sindrome di Marfan ha una maggiore tendenza a sviluppare smagliature, spesso in giovane età e senza che […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
Physical Activity Guidelines
Regular exercise improves both physical and emotional well-being and can be incorporated safely into the routine of people with Marfan syndrome. Therefore, they are encouraged to adapt health measures that protect them from Marfan features that can worsen and from medical conditions that are simply part of the aging process. With an early diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle adaptations, many […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Caregivers, Patients & Families
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