Le smagliature della pelle (striae distensae) possono manifestarsi in qualsiasi persona, in particolare a seguito di una crescita rapida durante l’adolescenza, durante la gravidanza o in caso di un importante aumento o calo di peso. Chi soffre di sindrome di Marfan ha una maggiore tendenza a sviluppare smagliature, spesso in giovane età e senza che siano intervenute variazioni di peso. Le smagliature compaiono solitamente in zone del corpo soggette a stress, come le spalle, le anche e la zona lombare.
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Loeys-Dietz Syndrome
Loeys-Dietz syndrome is a genetic disorder of connective tissue. Because connective tissue is found throughout the body, Loeys-Dietz syndrome features can occur in the heart, blood vessels, bones, joints, skin, and internal organs, such as the intestines, spleen, and uterus. Some Loeys-Dietz syndrome features are easy to see. Others features, such as heart and blood […]
I Polmoni Nella Sindrome Di Marfan
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Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
Overview of Cardiac Management in Marfan Syndrome
Overview of Cardiac Management in Marfan Syndrome Aortic dissection is the major cause of premature morbidity and mortality in Marfan syndrome. Aortic root aneurysm or dissection and ectopia lentis are cardinal features of Marfan syndrome based on the 2010 Gent nosology. For the full diagnostic criteria, please visit MarfanDX.org. Cardiac features that may be seen […]
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