Le smagliature della pelle (striae distensae) possono manifestarsi in qualsiasi persona, in particolare a seguito di una crescita rapida durante l’adolescenza, durante la gravidanza o in caso di un importante aumento o calo di peso. Chi soffre di sindrome di Marfan ha una maggiore tendenza a sviluppare smagliature, spesso in giovane età e senza che siano intervenute variazioni di peso. Le smagliature compaiono solitamente in zone del corpo soggette a stress, come le spalle, le anche e la zona lombare.
Related Resources
Career Development Award
The Career Development Award will support two-year $100,000 grants ($50,000 per year) in basic, translational, or clinical research studying any discipline involved in Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome, Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and other related conditions. This grant program is designed to support investigators early in their career to derive preliminary data in a key concept area […]
Tags: All , Healthcare Professionals, Researchers
Beals Syndrome
Beals syndrome is a disorder of connective tissue. The syndrome was first explained by Beals and Hecht in 1971. Features of Beals syndrome are found throughout the body, especially in large joints. While there is no information on the exact prevalence of Beals syndrome, it is estimated that the incidence (number of new cases within […]
Les Dents Et Le Syndrome De Marfan
De nombreuses personnes atteintes du syndrome de Marfan et de certaines maladies apparentées possèdent une mâchoire étroite et un palais très arqué, ce qui peut entraîner des problèmes dentaires et orthodontiques. En outre, les personnes avec un prolapsus de la valve mitrale ou porteuses de valves cardiaques artificielles sont à risque d’endocardite (infection du coeur […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
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