We created a template referral letter for you to use to simplify the process when you are referring a patient to a specialist for further evaluation or testing for the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome or a related disorder. The letter makes it easy for you to note the features you observed that raise your suspicion of these disorders.
Das Marfan-Syndrom und andere verwandte Erkrankungen können verschiedene Veränderungen im Bereich des Auges hervorrufen, wie z. B. verlagerte Linsen und andere Augenprobleme, die die Sicht beeinträchtigen können. Mit Ausnahme von verlagerten Linsen können diese Augenprobleme auch in der Allgemeinbevölkerung auftreten, weshalb Ärzte nicht immer erkennen, dass diese Veränderungen durch Marfan-Syndrom verursacht wurden. Es ist wichtig […]
The American College of Medical Genetics has a medical genetics database you can use to find a knowledgeable geneticist in your area. Helpful search terms include: connective tissue, bone/skeletal disorders, cardiovascular/connective tissue, adult congenital heart disease, adult medical genetics, pediatric genetics, and genetics counseling.
Molte persone affette da sindrome di Marfan o alcune malattie correlate hanno una mascella stretta e un palato alto e arcuato, che possono causare problemi dentali e ortodontici. Inoltre, chi presenta prolasso della valvola mitrale ed è portatore di valvole cardiache artificiali è a rischio di endocardite (infezione del cuore e delle valvole cardiache) in […]
Join us in the fight for victory over Marfan syndrome and related conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.