We created a template referral letter for you to use to simplify the process when you are referring a patient to a specialist for further evaluation or testing for the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome or a related disorder. The letter makes it easy for you to note the features you observed that raise your suspicion of these disorders.
Stretch marks on the skin (striae atrophicae) may occur in anyone, particularly as a result of rapid growth during adolescence, pregnancy or marked weight gain or loss. People with Marfan syndrome are prone to develop stretch marks, often at an early age and without weight change. The marks tend to appear in body parts subject […]
Le persone affette da sindrome di Marfan spesso hanno problemi al cuore e ai vasi sanguigni, a volte anche molto gravi. La complicazione più comune riguarda l’aorta (il vaso sanguigno che porta il sangue dal cuore al resto dell’organismo). Possono essere interessate anche le valvole cardiache. Più raramente sono colpiti vasi sanguigni diversi dall’aorta. È […]
Different methods are used for aortic root dilatation in different publications (eg.diastolic versus systolic measurement, inner to inner or leading edge to leading edge diameters).
Join us in the fight for victory over Marfan syndrome and related conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.