Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Emergency Alert Card
Download the Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Foundation's Emergency Alert Card, as well as watch a short instructional video we put together to show exactly how to fill out and fold this card.
Know the Signs, Fight for Victory
Download the Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Foundation's Emergency Alert Card, as well as watch a short instructional video we put together to show exactly how to fill out and fold this card.
Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos is one of six different types of Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, and it is the most common. Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos is a connective tissue disorder that predominantly affects the skeletal system. It is characterized by loose joints, often associated with chronic (long-term) joint pain. What other names do people use for Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos? What are the […]
'anamnesi familiare è una raccolta di informazioni sanitarie su di te e sui tuoi parenti stretti. Contiene informazioni su disturbi, malattie e problemi di salute che tu e i tuoi figli potreste essere a rischio per ora o in futuro.
The diagnosis, evaluation, and management of Marfan syndrome and related conditions require health practitioners from multiple disciplines with specialized knowledge, skills, and experience in heritable disorders of connective tissue. Patients and families are best served in clinics with demonstrated interest and expertise in this field.
Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is a defect of the aortic valve that is present at birth. The aortic valve allows oxygen-rich blood to flow from the heart to the aorta. The aorta is the major blood vessel that brings blood to the body. Normally, there are three valve flaps (leaflets) in the aortic valve. In […]
Das Marfan-Syndrom ist eine lebensbedrohliche genetisch bedingte Erkrankung des Bindegewebes. Wenn die Anzeichen des Marfan-Syndroms richtig erkannt werden, eine korrekte Diagnose gestellt wird und die Erkrankung richtig behandelt wird, können Patienten mit Marfan-Syndrom ein langes und erfülltes Leben führen.
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