This book was created to help readers understand the basics of Marfan syndrome diagnosis and treatment, as well to provide guidance on the lifestyle and practical issues commonly encountered by people with Marfan syndrome or a related disorder. Perhaps you have recently been diagnosed with Marfan syndrome—what should you expect? Or your child’s pediatrician has suggested he or she be evaluated for Marfan syndrome—what does that entail? Or maybe your new spouse has Marfan syndrome and you want to have children—what are the risks and can you do anything to minimize them? This book aims to address these and many other questions.
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Sindrome Di Marfan Impariamo A Conoscerla
La sindrome di Marfan è una malattia genetica potenzialmente letale che causa alterazioni del tessuto connettivo dell’organismo. Conoscere i segni della sindrome di Marfan, avere una diagnosi corretta e ricevere il trattamento necessario può permettere a chi soffre di questa sindrome di condurre una vita lunga e soddisfacente.
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
Cirugía Para Reparar la Raiz Aortica en el Síndrome de Marfan
La dilatación de la raíz de la aorta es cuando el segmento de la aorta más cercano al corazón se encuentra agrandado. Este es un problema muy serio y muy común para personas con síndrome de Marfan. Con frecuencia el tratamiento para cuando la raíz aortica alcanza cierto tamaño es una cirugía; si la raíz […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
Tessera Di Allerta Medica
Stampa la carta per ogni membro della famiglia. Inserisci il nome del paziente e le informazioni di contatto. Taglia lungo la linea tratteggiata. Piega verticalmente e orizzontalmente. Porta sempre con te questa carta.
Know the signs.
Fight for victory.
Join us in the fight for victory over Marfan syndrome and related conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.