Encuentre un doctor que esté familiarizado con el síndrome de Marfan. El síndrome de Marfan es raro y no todos los doctores lo conocen. Necesita buscar un doctor que conozca el el Sindrome de Marfan y que sepa ver la diferencia entre el Sindrome de Marfan y otros trastornos médicos que aparentan ser iguales.
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La Pelle Nella Sindrome di Marfan
Le smagliature della pelle (striae distensae) possono manifestarsi in qualsiasi persona, in particolare a seguito di una crescita rapida durante l’adolescenza, durante la gravidanza o in caso di un importante aumento o calo di peso. Chi soffre di sindrome di Marfan ha una maggiore tendenza a sviluppare smagliature, spesso in giovane età e senza che […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
Recommended Criteria for Development of a Marfan Clinic
The diagnosis, evaluation, and management of Marfan syndrome and related conditions require health practitioners from multiple disciplines with specialized knowledge, skills, and experience in heritable disorders of connective tissue. Patients and families are best served in clinics with demonstrated interest and expertise in this field.
Tags: All , Healthcare Professionals
Tags: All , Healthcare Professionals
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