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Heart and Blood Vessels in Marfan Syndrome

People with Marfan syndrome frequently have problems with their heart and blood vessels. Sometimes, these problems are very serious. The most common complication affects the aorta (the main blood vessel carrying blood from the heart to the rest of the body). Heart valves may be affected as well. Less often, blood vessels other than the aorta are affected. Early and accurate diagnosis is important so that medical issues with the heart and blood vessels can be identified and managed before they become potentially life-threatening emergencies.

  • What are the common types of heart and blood vessel problems in Marfan syndrome?
  • How are the common types of heart and blood vessel problems treated in people with Marfan syndrome?
  • What can you do on a day-to-day basis?
  • How do you handle cardiac emergencies, such as aortic dissection?

Find these answers and more in the “Heart and Blood Vessels” download.

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