When you’re recovering from surgery or having a pain flare-up, people often ask how they can help. But when you’re not feeling well, it’s hard to know what to say. These worksheets are designed for adults, teens, and kids to communicate the best ways to support them through medical events.
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Beals Syndrome
Beals syndrome is a disorder of connective tissue. The syndrome was first explained by Beals and Hecht in 1971. Features of Beals syndrome are found throughout the body, especially in large joints. While there is no information on the exact prevalence of Beals syndrome, it is estimated that the incidence (number of new cases within […]
The Eyes in Marfan Syndrome
Marfan syndrome and some related disorders can affect the eyes in many ways, causing dislocated lenses and other eye problems that can affect your sight. Except for dislocated lenses, these eye problems also occur in the general population, which is why doctors do not always realize they are caused by Marfan syndrome. It is important […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
Ossa E Articolazioni Nella Sindrome di Marfan
SINDROME DI MARFAN La sindrome di Marfan causa frequentemente problemi alle ossa e alle articolazioni, che infatti sono spesso le prime caratteristiche che portano a sospettare la presenza della sindrome e a cercare una diagnosi. Queste caratteristiche (chiamate caratteristiche scheletriche) si manifestano quando le ossa crescono eccessivamente oppure i legamenti (il tessuto connettivo che tiene […]
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Patients & Families
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