Le syndrome de Marfan est une maladie génétique potentiellement mortelle qui touche le tissu conjonctif du corps. Reconnaître les signes du syndrome de Marfan, parvenir au diagnostic juste et recevoir le traitement nécessaire peuvent permettre aux personnes atteintes de vivre une existence longue et épanouie.
Related Resources
Emergency Preparedness Kit
Emergency Preparedness Kit This kit is your tool to help you be prepared in the event of an emergency. We suggest putting the completed packet in a brightly colored envelope or folder so it is easy to find. At home, keep it near the door so it is handy for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and […]
Know the signs.
Fight for victory.
Join us in the fight for victory over Marfan syndrome and related conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.