The Marfan Foundation is proud to announce its 2020-2021 Teen Council. These outstanding teens are Hunter Beckholt, 16, of Texas; Katie Dammann, 14, of Oregon; Faith Frazier, 15, of Colorado; Cassie Jennings, 13, of New Jersey; Grace Meyers, 17, of Michigan; and Samantha Molitor, 14, of Washington. The teens, who have either Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, or VEDS, are already volunteer leaders in our community. Grace is continuing her term on the Teen Council; all of the others are starting a new term.
“The teens appointed to the Teen Council have already taken initiative to get involved in the Foundation’s mission,” said Peter Donato, a volunteer who serves as the Foundation’s Teen Program Leader. “We have a great group this year. Each has the potential to be a future leader in the organization.”
Individuals appointed to the Teen Council are role models (ages 13 to 18) for the Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz, VEDS, and related conditions community and participate in Foundation sponsored teen activities and other national Foundation programs, such as Walk for Victory and awareness month outreach. Teen Council members are expected to initiate education and awareness activities, organize fundraisers to benefit the Foundation, provide input into the teen program for the Annual Conference (virtual and in-person), and help create informational materials specific to issues that are important to teens.
Here is more about our Teen Council Members:

Hunter Beckholt was diagnosed with Marfan syndrome when he was four years old. He is especially interested in promoting inclusiveness for newly diagnosed teens. He says, “Consider me an ally and outlet for questions about living with Marfan syndrome.”

Katie Dammann was diagnosed with Loeys-Dietz when she was six years old. She plays the alto saxophone and competes in artistic roller-skating. She also like kayaking, hiking, camping and gardening.

Faith Frazier was diagnosed with VEDS when she was 11. She enjoys traveling, reading, writing, photography, and art.

Cassie Jennings was diagnosed with Marfan syndrome when she was born and is the only one in her family who has it. She likes to knit, read, act and sing. She also enjoys, swimming, playing with her cats, watching TV, and hanging out with her friends.

Grace Meyers was diagnosed with Marfan at the age of four. She enjoys dancing and participating in school clubs. A high school senior, Grace is looking forward to starting college next fall at Eastern Michigan University.

Samantha Molitor was diagnosed with Marfan syndrome when she was six years old. She was the first person in her family to be diagnosed with Marfan syndrome. She enjoys watching Disney movies and painting. Teen Council members are nominated by community members who believe they have the potential to be future leaders in this community as result of their demonstrated commitment to improving the lives of teens living with Marfan syndrome and related conditions. After their nomination, they receive an invitation to apply for the position.If you would like to receive updates and announcement about the Teen Program and all teen activities, please sign up here.
Teen Council members are nominated by community members who believe they have the potential to be future leaders in this community as result of their demonstrated commitment to improving the lives of teens living with Marfan syndrome and related conditions. After their nomination, they receive an invitation to apply for the position.
If you would like to receive updates and announcement about the Teen Program and all teen activities, please sign up here.

The Marfan Foundation is a nonprofit organization that saves lives and improves the quality of life of individuals with genetic aortic and vascular conditions including Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndromes. Our vision is a world in which everyone with genetic aortic and vascular conditions can live their best life.