Molte persone affette da sindrome di Marfan o alcune malattie correlate hanno una mascella stretta e un palato alto e arcuato, che possono causare problemi dentali e ortodontici. Inoltre, chi presenta prolasso della valvola mitrale ed è portatore di valvole cardiache artificiali è a rischio di endocardite (infezione del cuore e delle valvole cardiache) in […]
In order to have better outcomes in the emergency department for people with genetic aortic and vascular conditions, a Patient Care Coordination Note (PCCN), can provide triage nurses and ER physicians, with life-saving information for these rare conditions. This patient care coordination note appears in the upper left hand corner in red, when you open […]
La dilatación de la raíz de la aorta es cuando el segmento de la aorta más cercano al corazón se encuentra agrandado. Este es un problema muy serio y muy común para personas con síndrome de Marfan. Con frecuencia el tratamiento para cuando la raíz aortica alcanza cierto tamaño es una cirugía; si la raíz […]
A coordinated clinic is the best place to go for Marfan syndrome and related disorders care. A coordinated clinic provides expertise in all Marfan-related specialties: genetics, cardiology (heart), ophthalmology (eyes), and orthopedics (bones and joints). Download our clinic directory, which is comprised of institutions around the country that treat Marfan syndrome and related conditions. We […]
Have a hard time finding pants with long enough legs? Can’t find shoes that fit? Your Marfan Foundation Teen Council came up with the idea for this resource just for you! If you have any suggestions of brands/ stores that should be added, please send them to us at This guide provides information about brands […]
If you were recently diagnosed with Marfan syndrome or if you have known about it for years, there are probably hundreds of thoughts, questions, and concerns rushing through your head. On one hand, there is a whole new world of medical information to learn. On the other hand, there is your life as a teen. […]
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Join us in the fight for victory over genetic aortic and vascular conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.