El Síndrome de Marfan es un trastorno del tejido conectivo. El tejido conectivo es el que hace que todas las partes del cuerpo se mantengan en su lugar y ayuda a controlar el crecimiento del cuerpo. Como el tejido conectivo se encuentra en todo el cuerpo, las características del Síndrome de Marfan pueden ocurrir en diferentes partes del cuerpo.
Related Resources
Teens and Marfan Syndrome
If you were recently diagnosed with Marfan syndrome or if you have known about it for years, there are probably hundreds of thoughts, questions, and concerns rushing through your head. On one hand, there is a whole new world of medical information to learn. On the other hand, there is your life as a teen. […]
How to Ask for Help Guides
When you’re recovering from surgery or having a pain flare-up, people often ask how they can help. But when you’re not feeling well, it’s hard to know what to say. These worksheets are designed for adults, teens, and kids to communicate the best ways to support them through medical events.
Tags: Marfan Syndrome , Teens & Children
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