Neonatal Marfan syndrome (also called infantile Marfan syndrome) is a term used to designate a severe presentation of Marfan syndrome that is evident in early infancy and shows rapid progression during childhood.
Importantly, there are no specific criteria for use of this term. As a result, it is difficult to make broad generalizations about the diagnosis, management, or prognosis of neonatal Marfan syndrome. Download the fact sheet to learn more.
Des vergetures (striae atrophicae) peuvent apparaître sur la peau de quiconque, en particulier à la suite d’une croissance rapide pendant l’adolescence, d’une grossesse ou d’une perte ou prise de poids importante. Les personnes atteintes du syndrome de Marfan sont sujettes à la formation de vergetures, souvent à un âge précoce et sans changement de poids. […]
El síndrome de Marfan puede afectar a los ojos de muchas maneras. Es por este motivo que las personas con síndrome de Marfan deben consultar a un oftalmólogo (un doctor médico que se especializa en los ojos) para saber si tienen algún problema y también para saber cómo pueden cuidar de sus ojos. He aquí […]
People with Marfan syndrome frequently have problems with their heart and blood vessels. Sometimes, these problems are very serious. The most common complication affects the aorta (the main blood vessel carrying blood from the heart to the rest of the body). Heart valves may be affected as well. Less often, blood vessels other than the […]
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