Regular exercise improves both physical and emotional well-being and can be incorporated safely into the routine of people with Marfan syndrome. Therefore, they are encouraged to adapt health measures that protect them from Marfan features that can worsen and from medical conditions that are simply part of the aging process. With an early diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle adaptations, many […]
Marfan syndrome is a life-threatening genetic disorder that causes some physical problems that can interfere with a student’s ability to perform in the classroom without modifications. These physical limitations cause many students living with the disorder to feel isolated and alone. We hope this guide enables educators to: Understand the basics of Marfan syndrome and […]
As the health needs of schools have changed since 1902, the role of school nursing has evolved to meet those changing needs. The school nurse plays an important leadership role in prevention of illness or injury, identification of medical problems through screening programs, and overall health maintenance. This is particularly important when a student has […]
La escoliosis es una curvatura de la columna hacia un lado. Aproximadamente 6 de cada 10 personas con síndrome de Marfan tienen escoliosis, pero solamente 1 de cada 3 necesitan tratamiento médico para ella. Una persona necesita tratamiento cuando tiene dolor de espalda, cambios importantes en su postura y la forma de su cuerpo o […]
Join us in the fight for victory over genetic aortic and vascular conditions and help us create a brighter future for everyone living with these conditions.