La escoliosis es una curvatura de la columna hacia un lado. Aproximadamente 6 de cada 10 personas con síndrome de Marfan tienen escoliosis, pero solamente 1 de cada 3 necesitan tratamiento médico para ella. Una persona necesita tratamiento cuando tiene dolor de espalda, cambios importantes en su postura y la forma de su cuerpo o si tienen probabilidad de presentar problemas para respirar más adelante. La escoliosis puede presentarse en cualquier parte de la columna, pero es más común en la parte superior de la columna.
Related Resources
Family Planning and Pregnancy
Decisions about family planning can be difficult and very emotional when one of the prospective parents has a genetic disorder, such as Marfan syndrome. Before making any decisions, parents should understand the many options now available, as well as the potential risks to the child and the mother. A genetic counselor or the nurse in […]
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Teens and Marfan Syndrome
If you were recently diagnosed with Marfan syndrome or if you have known about it for years, there are probably hundreds of thoughts, questions, and concerns rushing through your head. On one hand, there is a whole new world of medical information to learn. On the other hand, there is your life as a teen. […]
Know the signs.
Fight for victory.
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